This month, we would like to introduce another special AVHS volunteer.
Please meet Lu, who is coming to Ty Watson house on Tuesdays and helps out at community events if needed.
Lu has a warm and caring heart, and helping others facing life-ending illnesses is just something she loves to do.
Lu and her family moved from Calgary to Port Alberni three years ago, and she loves to serve and help people in her community.
Besides this, Lu also enjoys cooking, travelling, and meeting new friends.
Her background is in health care, and she understands, therefore, very well how important palliative care is, and Lu is more than willing to help wherever she can.
When asked what motivated her to volunteer, Lu answered that she sees so many needs, and the staff and volunteers are passionate about helping each other and the community.
We asked Lu what she thinks is this organization's most important work. Lu's answer is the care and respect in the last stage of people's lives and the support individuals and their families face in life-limiting illness, death, and bereavement.
There is no doubt why Lu has chosen to volunteer with AVHS. Lu knows that volunteering with Hospice fulfills her heart's calling and makes her more grateful.
When Lu thinks of Hospice, she sees it as family, not as a workplace.
We asked Lu what she would say if she could encourage someone else to volunteer with AVHS, and she replied that working with Hospice is a great experience.
She would tell anyone to follow their hearts and to give their love and feel loved.
Thank you, Lu, for sharing your incredible story with us.
We are so grateful for all you do, your positive spirit and caring heart are much needed, and we are very blessed to have you at the house and in the community, supporting AVHS and Ty Watson.
Thank you so much, Lu and welcome to AVHS!