
About Us

Our Vision:

The Alberni Valley Hospice Society is a sustainable and fully connected partner in our community.

Our Mission:

The Alberni Valley Hospice Society offers comfort to people facing death and grief.

Our Values:

We believe in…

A dignified and compassionate approach to end-of-life care
Honoring our staff, volunteers, and community partners
Respecting our different cultures
Respecting personal choice

Community Office

The Community Office is the hub for all counselling and bereavement services, volunteer training, fundraising activities and the administration of Ty Watson House.

All inquiries about Ty Watson House, counselling, education, the Reflections program (life story recording), holistic health, and community programs and donations to Ty Watson House can be made here.

Ty Watson House

Ty Watson House is a beautiful heritage home operated by the Alberni Valley Hospice Society. Our 4 bed residential hospice offers 24 hour compassionate care for people facing an end of life illness.

Donations to Ty Watson House can be delivered or mailed to the AVHS Community Office located at 2579 10th Avenue.

Our Funding

The Alberni Valley Hospice Society (operators of Ty Watson House) is a ​nonprofit organization that depends on grants, donations, and gifts, to provide the services that ensure loving end-of-life care.

We receive less than 15% of our annual operating budget from government sources and rely on the generosity of our donors and small community grants to raise the balance of our operating budget each year.

Our Community Partners

We work closely with Island Health to ensure all hospice protocols are in line with government standards.

Staff & Board of Directors

Our dedicated staff work with the Board, Society Members, and Volunteers to ensure efficient delivery of all our programs and services to the community.