
Reflections Program

More than a Life Story.

"Your life story is one of the most valuable gifts you can give your loved ones."

Looking back and sharing your special memories can be both rewarding and uplifting. It will help you appreciate the richness of your life, the people who have been important to you and the experiences which have influenced you. You will be creating something tangible and uniquely yours – the story of your life the way you want it told.

How It Works

You will meet with a specially trained interviewer who will guide you through conversations asking questions to help you recall stories that you would like to share with your loved one.

The format your published story can be: audio CDs, a flash drive, or a Legacy of Love Letter.


Why tell us your Story?

  • To enhance and celebrate your life journey.
  • To record stories and reflections on your life as only you can tell them.
  • To provide a loving legacy to your family and/or friends.
  • To discover a new perspective on your life as you look back through the lens of wisdom and time.
  • To expand your sense of purpose and meaning at this stage of your life.
  • To rediscover the essence of who you are.

Who May Use This Service?

The Reflections Program is available to anyone in the Alberni Valley who is:

  • In palliative care
  • In long-term care
  • In assisted living facilities
  • A recipient of community care support
  • Or has reached the age of eighty

What does it Cost?

The interview process is free of charge.

Flash Drives

Each project would be contained to a single flash drive.

  • 1-3 copies are $25 each
  • 4+ copies are $20 each


Audio Disc Sets

The number of discs in a set varies based on the project and will be discussed with the client prior to publishing. Most projects are 4 or 5 discs.

Costs vary depending on the number of discs in the set.

  • ​1-2 disc sets are $15 per set
  • 3-4 disc sets are $20 per set
  • 5+ disc sets are $25 per set


Legacy of Love Letters

Your letter will be transcribed and produced free of charge.


A donation to the Alberni Valley Hospice Society and/or the Reflections Program would also be gratefully received. Funds for the Reflections Program are used to purchase equipment and supplies, and pay for volunteer training.